January pleinair painting in Wengen, Switzerland

I've just returned from painting in a beautiful mountain village in Switzerland. We were lucky with the beautiful sunshine at the beginning of the trip but I have to say I was jumping for joy when the snow finally covered the pine trees and meadows. I'm overjoyed with my new aluminium easel which made things a lot easier when I wanted to walk up hills with all my kit - a big change from my heavy old wooden one. The mountains were stunning, I particularly loved painting by the old church in Wengen where there a cluster of old farm buildings. After scanning the area a bit I decided to set up here and enjoyed listening to the sweet old lady feeding her chickens nearby. The light was striking... that particular wintery sunshine creating a yellowy haze and the blue mountains rising high above the farm buildings in the distance. I loved the smoke rising from the chimneys. Hopefully I will go back to Wengen before long to do some large paintings. I plan to use my studies from my trip to create some bigger studio paintings but there's nothing like painting on the spot.